Sunday, December 11, 2005


Today, as I was looking through some of the other blog pages out there, I discovered RuPaul has a blog site. Just for fun, I wrote RuPaul a nice email, and within a few hours s/he RESPONDED!
I don't know if it was a stock response or not, but I was still happy to hear back. Here's what s/he said...

thank you for your sweetness and kindness,
it means everything to me.

That's class. So, I wrote a reply just a few minutes ago. We'll see what happens.

Went out to the AV Fairgrounds with Ed a little while ago, and shot some guys doing motocross jumps at their dirtbike track. Not the most fun thing for me, but the guys were really doing some amazing jumps, some of them over 80 feet long!

Maybe we can interest some of these guys in some video work...


AJ said...

Hey Buddy, you posted on a friends blog (NO Dirty Kitty). I guess you did not notice the last several posts by other people saying good-bye to him. I am sorry, but Gerald died. You missed knowing a very witty, warm man.
Again, Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Anyone who appreciates RuPaul can't be ALL bad!!!