Saturday, December 17, 2005

Freedom of Speech?

Well, as I write this, a new film is sweeping the country. It's title is Brokeback Mountain. It's a film about two young cowboys who are basically straight, but fall in love with each other. The trailer is very compelling, as well as visually stunning. I am very much looking forward to seeing it, and King Kong. The reason I mention this film is that, if the right wing had their way, we'd never have a film like this. They make a huge cry about freedom of speech and states' rights, but only when it's in line with their narrow-minded agenda. Which brings me to "Freedom of Speech."
In the film "The American President," (one of my favorites, by the way) President Shepherd says, during a speech,

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've got to want it bad, because it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil who is standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the 'land of the free'? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the 'land of the free.'"

Well, maybe I'm a fascist, then, because I'm not so sure I agree anymore.
Allow me to explain. First, it is my belief that "Freedom of Speech" as espoused by our founders was meant so we could freely criticize our goverment's actions and policies, and those elected officials who make those policies, both vocally and in print. It was meant to allow healthy dissention and debate regarding our official policies and laws.
It was NOT intended to mean that anybody with a microphone, soapbox, and opinion could spout their views publicly, or in an effort to sway the government to their way of thinking, or to allow oppression of other people or governments.
I don't believe, for one second, that "Freedom of Speech" should be used as a shield for vitriolic, bigoted, or hateful views. The alledged "Doctor" Laura Schlesinger is a prime example. She spews hate and venom at anyone who disagrees with her narrow-mindedness, especially when it comes to Gay Rights. First, she's NOT a doctor of any kind. Second, all she's doing is fomenting further hate in the small minds of those who believe her opinions, and helping to cause the continued violence Gay people are subject to as surely as if she'd beaten them up herself. Pat Robertson has publicly advocated killing Gays, and assasinating foreign leaders, all under the guise of "Freedom of Speech."
We see the same thing on The Web. People use the anonimity of fake screen names to spew hatefulness onto innocent people, when they'd never have the guts to do it if their real name and address had to be published with each post. That's why responsible literary and journalistic publications have EDITORS! To screen out the writings of the ill-informed, or those who would use such publications to air views that are better heard by a therapist.
We are allowing "Freedom of Speech" to give equal time to fascist, racist viewpoints that no one should be exposed to. We are making the same mistake as those who listened to Hitler and Speer in the late 1930's.
And, if you're thinking that I'm holding Gay Rights speech higher than, say, the KKK's "right" to march in the streets, you're goddamn right I am. What's the difference, you ask?
Gay rights groups advocate tolerance, peace, and love of all people. (Shades of the '60's?)
The KKK, by their very definition, advocate the hating of, and elimination of, anyone who is not the same race or skin color as they.
You tell me which is the more American ideal.
I have never seen any Gay group picket a church, or try to curtail the rights of christians to worship their god in their own way.
And yet, at every Gay march or rally I've attended, these so-called christians feel they have the right to flank us, jeer us, tell us we're hated by God and going to Hell, that we deserve none of the rights they feel other Americans enjoy. And they use "Freedom of Speech" as their primary defense for their hateful, fascist actions.
Y'see, unfortunately, the tyranny of the masses has become the basis of a national level of stupidity and shameful ignorance, and our voting record for the last four decades shows it. Everyone with an opinion thinks he has the right to air it, or sometimes force it down people's throats. This attitude is the basis upon which morons get up on-camera on The Jerry Springer Show, or any of the other idiotic talk shows that are basically just an excuse to verbally abuse the person on the stage. And ratings-whores like Springer and his ilk use "Freedom of Speech" to justify the "dumbing-down" of a population that already reveres sports more than education, entertainment more than learning.
I don't know what makes me more frustrated; the dropouts and uneducated idiots who feel their opinion is as valid as that of a well-educated college grad or the experience of a world-traveller, or that well-educated grad or traveller who makes no effort to speak out and correct the idiots.
History shows us that bad things happen when good men do nothing. And right now, those good men in this country aren't doing a damn thing.

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