Friday, December 16, 2005

Some Housing opportunity...HAH

Well, I finished the first draft of the script for my client. Client liked it, but his ad agency didn't. So we'll see what happens over the next day or so. Hoping to actually shoot the thing next week.

Went to check out the "housing opportunity" in Lake L.A., and this place was the dark side of Green Acres. It was a single-wide trailer in poor condition, filled with junk and vermin, and on a downhill slope. It was in what appeared to be a hobo jungle of other similar homes, and as we pulled-up to it, we were surrounded by over a dozen mongrel dogs and at least as many chickens. So I thanked the guy for offering, but declined, and beat a hasty retreat out of there. Much safer staying in my car until I can get the motor home I'm looking at.

Unless Eva has me join her, it looks like I'll be alone this Christmas. We'll see. My sister and brother-in-law will be at their daughter Shawna's house in Valencia. Shawna's a "born-again christian" (notice I DO NOT capitalize the word) and is rather fascist about her beliefs, especially her disapproval about my being Gay, like it's something she has the sacred right to feel. My other nieces and nephews, and the rest of my family are pretty OK with my lifeway, so what the fuck, over?
But, I don't mind. My sis and I might try to see each other a few days before. She and Dave, her husband, are really great. They've treated me with kindness, empathy, and generosity. Too bad Mom died before they got to meet. Mom would've been pleased with how her firstborn turned out.
Anyway, I'm hoping for a gig or two before Christmas. I need the money... badly! It got down to 19 degrees here last night.
I just realized, it's December 16th... my late grandma Katherine's birthday. Katherine Maxfield. She would've been 105 today. Also Beethoven's birthday. See what you can learn from Schroeder in the Peanuts comic strip?

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