Friday, January 27, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Well, I finally went to see Brokeback Mountain. To be honest, it wasn't nearly as emotionally powerful as I expected.
I honestly felt very little sympathy for the charcters. Of course it was well-made. Some folks have complained that the pacing was too slow, but I thought it was appropriate for that type and style of film.
To me, it just seemed that the story was, even for an American audience, 35 years out-of-date.
Maybe it's that I also have little sympathy for those who would indulge their homosexuality while refusing to stand up and be honest about it.
These guys had a thing when they first met. Then they get married to women, but they keep seeing each other every few years. Jack's character is open about it; Ennis can't handle it. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Honestly, even VICTOR/VICTORIA was more relaxed about being Gay than this film. We've had popular Gay-themed shows, or Gay characters on TV for years now. It's about time we saw them in decent relationships. Brokeback Mountian showed that, even if you're sure no one knows, someone always knows, and you'll have a tragic, homophobic end to your life. So, you might as well stand up, fight back, and have the balls to live your life the way you want. The Gay Liberation Movement; Gay Pride Month; National Coming Out Day; all of these things that we fought (and still fight) so hard for have, nonetheless, been a part of this society for over 35 years. It's about time we started reaping what we've sown.

It's about time THE FRONT RUNNER got made. That's the kind of Gay love story that broke down many of the barriers we had to face in the last century. Brokeback Mountain is timid by comparison.

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