Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Porn Star

Having made the plunge into professional adult video production, as an editor, I have, like so many in the adult industry, assumed a (GASP) psuedonym. A stage name. A nom de cinema (I like that last one.).

My pornstar name is....
Frank J. Silva, Harbormaster

As you can see below...

This credit appears on the end of Sex In Paradise II, a rather steamy video shot in Brazil. And there are definately some BAAA babes and BAAA boys on screen.

Now, how did I come up with that name? Well, they say that your porn name should be a combination of your first pet's name, and the name of the street you lived on as a kid. If that's so, then my porn name would be Kyta DeGarmo.

I don't think so.

In the movie JAWS, Spielberg put a few real Martha's Vineyard locals in scenes, including the local harbormaster, Frank Silva. He comes out of the office onto the dock during a scene of total mayhem, walks stiffly toward CAMERA smoking a pipe; stops with this silly, self-conscious grin on his face; turns to his left and just as stiffly as he approached, leaves FRAME. Well, my buddy Randy and I just love to see Frank every time we watch JAWS. For us it's one of the highlights of the movie. How I came to put the "J" in there is beyond me, but somehow in our minds, he'll always be famous as...

Frank J. Silva, Harbormaster!

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