Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Birthday (WARNING! Politically incorrect rants and raves! Rated-R for language)

Well, today I turned 48.Last night I took myself out to Stuart Anderson's Black Angus, and treated myself to a steak dinner. They threw in some chocolate cake for free.Anyway, the rants referred-to in the title of this blog are about what happened last night and today.Early last night, I go into the ARCO on Ave. I, and the guy behind the counter makes his interest in me quite obvious from the moment he sees me. Cute, hot young (30) Black boi. He slips me his number, we start talking, and we discuss the idea of a date the next morning (today). He seems very intelligent, extremely articulate, and very direct and affectionate. Not like so many of the Gen X'ers I see today who are pretty inarticulate, not to mention inconsiderate.Well, I call him this AM about 9:15 or so, and he says to come on down to his place in Palmdale. I get there, and he comes out, hugs me, and tells me he has to run to WalMart for some Pampers for his niece, and he'll be right back. (WalMart is about 6 blocks away)Well, 2 hours later I'm still sitting there, like a fucking fool.All I can figure is that either he's 1) a tweaker (he said he didn't do drugs), 2) a horrible accident could've happened to them between here and WalMart and he's not able to call to let me know he's gonna be late, or 3) he's an inconsiderate jerk who lives on what some of my "friends of flava" call CPT - Colored People's Time. He knows it's my birthday; it's 98 degrees out (I checked my thermometer), and he's off for two hours as a prelude to our first date!Well, at the stroke of the second hour, I wrote a terse note to him, stuck it on his front door, and left.In the note, I told him it was "damned inconsiderate" and that he missed-out on what could've been a good thing.
I really have to wonder about some people... sadly, many people. So many of them show an alarming lack of what I call "tactical awareness" or "leadership skills." They seem to just blunder their way through life, overworking their guardian angels and creating massive headaches for the rest of us.And it's time you know who you are!
You're the boor who gets in a checkout line with a cart filled to bursting with items, and behind you is a person with one item, and you just look at them and stand there in line, rather than letting them go ahead with their one item.You're the asshole who sees me put on my turn signal on the freeway prior to changing lanes, and races up from behind so I won't "get in front of them."You're the idiot who makes a right turn off of a main street from the middle of the lane, instead of pulling over to the right side of the lane like you're supposed to, and making all of us behind you slam on our brakes to avoid rear-ending you!You're to creep who takes a shit in a public restroom toilet, then leaves it there without flushing, for the next person to have to look at.You're the fucking breeder who throws her kids' soiled Pampers into the flowers of the nicely manicured gardens at the California Museum of Science and Industry, rather than using a trash can not 20 feet away!!!You are the whole bunch of FUCKERS who drive cars that are boomboxes on wheels and are so loud you can FEEL them 200 yards away. Where do you get off with that kind of selfish, inconsiderate noise pollution!!?You are, especially, the assholes who drive around with "BUSH / CHENEY '04" stickers on their cars. The Supreme Court has just stripped our rights to privacy in our own homes, we are paying an oilman from Texas to take huge profits from gasoline sales while he sends our soldiers over to be killed in a fake war, and then uses his religion to tell the rest of us what we can and cannot do in our private lives. And you people have the sheer, unmitigated stupidity to wave a banner for these robber-barons? GOD DAMN!!!
Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.
Thanks Mark for the Birthday call and song, and thanks Shari for the shoulder, and the flowers. Shari, a woman I met through, sent me a bouquet of flowers for my birthday! Nobody's ever sent me flowers before, and I was really thrilled.

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