Today I was at the AM/PM in Lancaster with my business partner, Ed. We were gassing-up the van for a trip around the AV to do some stock photography, when this pretty young Black woman came up and panhandled me. As I turned around to look at her, she exclaimed, "Pony?!"
I'm thinking, "When did I ever meet such a hottie as this, that she knows my name?"
It turns out that she was a woman I had had a relationship with about 16 months ago. She looked a bit different, thinner, kind of dejected. I wasn't sure, and I asked, "I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name...?" The truth was, I didn't recognize her at all. We'd only actually seen each other and had sex once, those many months ago.
"I'm Shay! Remember?"
"Oh, my God!! Shay? Of course I remember you! Where have you been?" I was shocked. Not that she looked THAT much different, but that she was on the streets and kind-of looked it. Not dirty, just down-and-out. I, too, know the feeling, as I'm homeless right now, too. But at least I have my motor home, and my office space. Honestly, I was heartbroken. It was all I could do not to start crying right then and there. I had started developing strong feelings for Shay, to the point of telling her I loved her. She definately could make wyld baby zeebras kick. She knew I was Gay, and POZ, and she was OK wid it. So she likes sex with fag boiz, no problem for me. But after our first, and so far only time, she drops off the face of the Earth. Eventually I put her into the scrapbook of pleasant, yearning memories and closed the book. Now, here's my sweet-pussied little Shay, asking me for money. She'd had 19 months' sobriety, and slipped off the Wagon. God, with all my problems, at least I don't have alcoholism to deal with.
So, I gave her my number, held her in my arms for a while, and told her how much I missed her. I could see the destroyed self-esteem she's lugging around. Lord, please take her in your hand, she needs You right now.
On to better things, Ed and I braved snow, sleet, and high winds to get some really cool images today, including discovering an old mine shaft complete with ore car rails on the floor!

This is the headframe adjacent to the mine shaft we explored.

And here's the interior of the shaft, only a few yards in.

And here we are looking back toward the entrance.
Allow me to say right here, that unless you are an experienced caver or mine explorer, it is best if you STAY OUT of such places. You can easily be killed by methane gas, which is highly explosive and can be detonated by something as simple as a flashlight or a strobe unit. You can also accidentally fall down unmarked vertical shafts which have been covered by plywood. And there's the possibility of cave-ins. If you get injured in such a way, there will almost never be anyone to find you. And we haven't even touched on hibernating bears, rattlesnakes, ghosts or monsters. So, STAY SAFE BY STAYING OUT! We met a nice old-timer there, named Jane, who told us a bit about the mines where the shaft was. We'll remember to visit her again.

We also shot lots of stuff of the big wind turbines near Tehachapi.
Wind turbines near Tehachapi.
These turbines generate electricity for various power companies, such as Edison, as an alternative to fossil fuels. And yet, many of the locals object to them in the belief that they are a blight on the spectacular scenery of the area. The areas around Mojave, and the east side of Tehachapi Pass, are always very windy, and this is one of the best places for such turbines. I can remember clearly when there were no turbines, and the view was unspoiled. The environmentalist in me is divided: part of me appreciates the fact that we are harnessing a free, non-polluting energy source. The other part of me agrees that they are, in short, ugly. The view for many miles is marred by those wind turbines. Personally, I still want to see nuclear FUSION (not fission, as is currently used) developed, but as long as the current power interests are in place, that's not gonna happen. Development of fusion will eventually mean most homes and businesses could go "off the grid," and be totally self-contained, and the power and oil companies don't want that.

To give you some idea as to how big these things can be, this one is about a mile away, and on the other side on a mountain!

Many people who live in the area object to the turbines, and want further development of them STOPPED. What do you think? Post a comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
As to m2m sex, I answered an ad recently in one of the Gay websites, and the guy and I hooked-up. Oh, shit! It was an old boyfriend of mine from about 4 years ago! I had dumped him (at least I told him the truth of why and did it, in person, when I dumped him) those years ago after about three months of seeing each other. Flash forward to now, and it was a little awkward for about 1 minute, then we kind-of jumped into each other's arms again. He then took me up to his bedroom, and raped me. Of course, I like it when he rapes me. He knows just the right balance of love, force, kink, and fuck. God it was nice. Not that I'd want to be his steady, but I sure like being his sexbitch.
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