Sunday, November 13, 2005

My first blog

Hi, there.
Well, this is my first blog posting.
Today I'm pretty depressed, because a major business opportunity fell through... maybe.
I'm trying, for the last year, now, to get a shop going up at Calico Ghost Town selling souvenir DVD's on the history of Calico, and other ghost town documentaries.

Well, after making me jump through months' worth of hoops, the San Bernardino County Board say's "NO" based on the idea that my business would create unfair competition in town with another shop which has a really bad, old VHS tape for sale on ghost towns that doesn't sell well, is over 20 years old, and was bad when it was released, let alone now it's OLD and bad.

Currently still sleeping in my car with the dog and two cats. Hoping to raise enough money to get the motor home I'm looking at. Winter's coming.

But I'm trying not to be bitter...

Good news is, I now have a business bank account and a DBA under the name of Gravity Arch Media. So, I'm trying for some actual legitimacy, here.


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