Sunday, April 29, 2007

Baron Hats spot - Lightning Test 1

This is a compositing test for the Baron Hat commercial. It's supposed to be in an alley in Downtown L.A., 1943. A stormy night. It's basically a multiplane animation shot. The elements that make up this shot are:
The clouds, moving forward and lighting up with lightning;
The image of City hall, taken in the 1940's during the day;
The alley off of Skid Row, shot as a hi-rez still during location scouting;
A separate image of me and my shadow shot in a different location and comped in.
This was created in Photoshop and Final Cut Pro just to see how it would look. I think it looks pretty good!

Here is the background plate which you can see in the sky at the end of the alley. It is also a composite of several images, heavily manipulated in Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. The original image was shot in Downtown L.A. in the 1940's, during broad daylight.

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