Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Damn Bug; Gay Marriage; and other problems


I was driving home (as it were) the other night when my Bug's generator blew. Had to limp home on battery power. Got a new (reconditioned) generator at Auto Zone in Quartz Hill. Took three days to replace, having never done that operation before.
Got the car running. Get on the 14 Freeway. Go 2 miles and smell something burning, like paper or cardboard. Pull off and look under the hood to see smoke coming out of the new (reconditioned) generator. The bearing, apparently, went. POW. Need another new (reconditioned) generator.


Well, the Republicans are again using the Gay Marriage "controversy" to try to get more votes from the fanatic religious "conservatives." Many pundits say it has little chance of passing in the House. That's all fine and all, but we're aslso hearing, from many Gay, and "liberal" quarters to simply ignore it and it'll go away; that Bush doesn't "really give a shit" about it as one anonymous friend to a journalist; That we must never allow any Gay Marriage measures up for debate; or even "it's nobody's business if my partner and I love each other and are married or not."
Well, folks, seems to me that THAT is just the kind of thinking, and non-acting, that allows fascism and totalitarianism to take-hold. If we just ignore them, they'll be able to commit heinous acts of "legislation" right under our noses!

By the time we wake up to what's going on in our society, it'll already be too late.
By now, this is not about Gay Marriage for me as the only motivation to act. It's about personal freedoms of all kinds. Remember, bad things happen when good men do nothing.
'Course, they also say "history repeats itself."

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