The medium is acrylic on masonite 24" X 30"

I'm Pony R. Horton, a creative artist/film maker/journalist/entrepreneur in Southern California. These are my thoughts, feelings, experiences as life moves along. Generally liberal-minded and compassionate is usually the order of the day for me.
An inside look at the brave men steering felines across the plains.
Canada has decided to ban this playful pillow fight spot, deeming it too violent for the airwaves.
Volkswagen caved in to mental health advocacy groups and recently agreed to pull this ad depicting a man about to commit suicide.
This Super Bowl ad was rejected due to the showing of Mickey Rooney's geriatric behind.
Steve Wynn stands on top of his stunning new hotel in Las Vegas.
See the commercial that could not be shown on tv.
One minute he's taking a shower, the next this guy's leading an all-lady aerobics class wearing nothing but his birthday suit.
This is a scene from A Test of Integrity, a docudrama I am producing on the life and work of William Mulholland. Starring Victor Izay as Mulholland, and Art Prickett as Fred Eaton. This scene depicts Mulholland and Eaton on their first buckboard trip to the Ownes Valley in 1904, scouting the route for the future Los Angeles Aqueduct. Lotsa cool matte shots of what it looked like back then. Additional footage courtesy Los Angeles Department of Water & Power. |
Just a fun little video my dog Odus and I made based upon Mark Phillip Lopez' Moth Music series. The music is a piece Mark wrote about Odus, titled The Mind of Odus Senior. I thought it was so cool, that Odus and I made a video using the song. odus is in doggie Heaven now, but with this video my old friend lives on. |
A short demo film detailing some of the attractions of the Antelope Valley. Produced and Directed by Pony R. Horton of Gravity Arch Media. |